Getting Here

Physical Address

You will start and finish at The Beach House, which is located at 356 Conway Flat Road. Please put 356 Conway Flat Road into your navigation device. Plan to get there late afternoon or early evening on your arrival day. If you are likely to arrive after 9pm, please email or ring Heather on the day on +64 21 119 3668.

Arriving by car

The start of the track is 7.5km off State Highway 1 (the main north/south highway in the South Island). Both The Kaikoura Coast Track and Conway Flat are clearly signposted from State Highway 1. To reach the start of the track you’ll drive 140km north of Christchurch (2hrs), from Kaikoura you’ll drive 40km south (40mins), and from Hanmer Springs you’ll drive 100km east (1hr and 20mins). Please enter 356 Conway Flat Road into your navigation device to find our correct arrival point;

Arriving by bus

Note: If at all possible is best to come by car.

The Intercity bus from/to Christchurch to/from Picton will drop you off on State Highway 1 near the start of the track (stop name: Conway Flat Turn-off for Kaikoura Coast Track). Let us know you are coming by bus on the booking form and we will pick you up from the bus stop. See www.​​​ for bus schedule, further details and booking bus tickets.

Hiring Vehicles in Kaikoura

Kaikoura Shuttles (phone 03 319 6166) have a shuttle which groups can book to drop you off and pick you up from the track. Kaikoura Rentals have a hire van and rental cars for you to drive yourself.

These options are handy if you wish to treat yourself and come on the Coastal Pacific train from Christchurch or Picton. Hiring a car in New Zealand is the easiest way to get to out of the way places.

Email if you need extra help.


More information

For all information about our location, transport options & arrival times, please view our Essential Information For Walkers PDF

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Whale Watching Kaikoura

In the Area

Whether you’re looking for family activities, adventure, sight seeing or animal encounters there is plenty for you to do before or after you walk the Kaikoura Coast Track

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Skull Peak Lunch Hut

Photo Gallery

People who walk the track often leave with special photos to remember their experience, you can check some of them out here

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Ratings & Reviews on Google

Based on reviews

We spent a fantastic two weeks on the South Island for our honeymoon and the Kaikoura Coast Track was one of the best parts. Wonderful views, rich variety of landscapes, and comfy places to stay. Highly recommended!
-Will Best

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